I have no idea who ever came up with the idea that there are certain gifts to receive and give on your anniversary, but the traditional 1st anniversary gift is paper. I've heard of some pretty clever gifts related to paper such as tickets (airline, concert, etc.), handwritten letters and notes, journals, books, and photo albums. But what I really wanted for my anniversary is a new kind of paper. Actually a way to reduce paper. A Kindle.

I've been asking for one since Oprah debuted the gadget on her show a month or so before Christmas. I thought it would be the perfect gift for someone like me who travels a lot and is constantly buying books in airports. The upfront cost of the Kindle is a bit high, but the books are so cheap, ranging from $0 to $9.99 at the most (yes, there are a lot of books that are free). So in the long run, I think it's a very cost-effective gadget!
Low and behold, B answered all my whining and asking and got me one for our anniversary. I have never actually used a Kindle before getting mine, only interrorgated a woman who sat next to me one time on a flight. So I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. I can only say that the Kindle (I have the Kindle 2 version) blew my expectations out of the water!!! The thing not only downloads books, but also newspapers, magazines, blogs, and cookbooks. It has built in wireless internet so you can buy books anywhere you can get a cell phone signal (as well as search the internet!) and it will automatically download your newspaper in the morning for you! Another thing that's great, is that you get the first chapter of every book for free, so you're not obligated to buy it without trying it first. I've actually tried out several books which I haven't purchased. And I think the Kindle can hold something like over a 1,500 books.
I also love that it's super light and thin. I like to lay on my side and read in bed before falling asleep and it was really difficult to hold books like that. Before the Kindle I had to basically rig a pillow just right to prop my heavy books. Now it's not a problem at all to read on my side or over my head or any which way.
All in all the Kindle was has been one of the best gifts I've ever received!
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