It's been so long I've posted on this blog, that I don't think anyone would ever see this. But just in case, I've actually started a new blog. You can now find me at
Blondie's Blabberings
A collection of...well...I'm not too sure. I guess it's just a bunch of blabberings! :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Inspirational Poem
I'm not ordinarily a big Maya Angelou fan (even though Oprah loves her and I love Oprah), but this poem a friend sent me this morning, really struck a cord with me. I hope it does for you too.
enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to... something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind.... a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age.... a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra... one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family... eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny... how to fall in love without losing herself..
how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without; ruining the friendship....
when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents.. that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more... how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table.. or a charming Inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing...
What she can and can't accomplish in a day... a month...and a year...
enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to... something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind.... a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age.... a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra... one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family... eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny... how to fall in love without losing herself..
how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without; ruining the friendship....
when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents.. that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more... how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table.. or a charming Inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing...
What she can and can't accomplish in a day... a month...and a year...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A Totally Hip Pad
I always wish I had a job with super cool perks like free concert tickets, or worked with super cool people like celebrities or athletes. I just don't have one of those jobs. Nor will I ever probably ever have one of those jobs. But you know what the next best thing is...having friends with one of those cool jobs! :)
My friend Bridget totally has a cool job. She's the Entertainment & Business Travel Sales Manager at the new W Hotel in DC. Not only does she get to spend her days in a totally awesome, hip, new hotel, but she gets to hob-nob will totally cool and sometimes famous people!! Since I apparently live under a rock and hadn't been to the hotel since it opened in July, we met at the hotel for lunch and a tour of the hotel. If you didn't know, the W Hotel bought the old Hotel Washington, a famous DC institution, and totally gutted the whole thing turning it into a swanky, hip hangout (like the rest of the W Hotel family). Plus, the Hotel Washington has one of the best views in the City. It's rooftop restaurant literally looks out over the White House.
The hotel boasts 5 great spots to have a drink or a bite to eat and both the cocktail menus and food menus (even the catering menus) have been designed by a master mixologist, Sasha Petraske of NYCs famed Milk and Honey , and famous chef, Jean-Georges. I won't bore you with all the details, but a must-see is the transformation of the former roof-top restaurant into a super hip indoor/outdoor lounge and bar called POV (I'm guessing it stands for point of view). We had lunch on the rooftop, munching on a variety of appetizers, that by the way were to die for...I definitely suggest the beef satay, tuna, and crab starters, and admiring the gorgeous DC view.
Here's a rendering of the POV Terrace

I'm not kidding when I say it's an awesome view!
Oh, and I can't forget to mention that the W boasts DC's only Bliss Spa!! Do yourself a favor. If you live in DC set a date with a girlfriend for a treatment at Bliss and then indulge on fab cocktails and small bites while checking out the Secret Service snipers over at the White House.
But don't forget...they're watching you too! :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Can you believe it??? Two posts in the same day, in a row no less!!! Craziness!!
I told you I was getting back at it!!!
So I know Saturday night was Halloween. And you're supposed to get dressed up, go out and party your ass off, and get totally smashed. But 1) I'm really uncreative when it comes to costumes. Really I'm terrible with coming up with costume ideas. Last year I was the person who holds the Slow-Stop sign on a construction site, the year before that B&I went as pimps (purchased costumes), one year I wore a toga (so boring).
2) The past two years I've been sick on Halloween.
3) I really hate being hungover now that I'm an old lady.
So, Saturday night, when we received an invitation to go out to dinner with a business associated/client of B's, I jumped at the opportunity not to have to come up with a costume at the last minute. B's client also suggested a restaurant that we had never been to and a cuisine we've never had; Rasika, which serves Indian fusion. After reading some reviews of Rasika online, I was actually really excited to finally try Indian food.
When B told me that our reservation was at 5:15 PM, I didn't believe him. I've never heard of this restaurant before, how could it be that popular. because you know, I know everything! :) So immediately I got on OpenTable to investigate. Not only was Rasika totally booked Saturday, but it was the #2 booked spot for Foodies! Score!
We got the restaurant before the other couple, actually while the servers were still prepping for the evening, and ponied up to the bar for a drink. When I saw the multiple glasses of fresh herbs sitting on the bar and the concoctions of beverages brewing behind the bar, I knew we were in for a treat! We started up a conversation with the bartender, only to learn that all the drinks on the menu are his original creations and he regulatory changes and adds new drinks. Behind the bar he was making a mulled cider to be mixed with scotch and some kind of pumpkin beverage that he topped with whip cream that he then took a "blow torch" too. I wish I could remember the drink I had because it was delish! All I can remember was that it was made with Brazilian rum, fennel, and was topped with an apple slice.
I have a much better memory when it comes to the food though! The bartender had given us some suggestions and he definitely made me feel a bit more at ease about eating Indian food. I'm not a huge curry fan and I don't like spicy food, so I think that's why I never tried it before. I just hope my Rasika experience doesn't ruin me for other Indian food!
There were four of us for dinner, and we kind of decided to eat family style. We started with one of their signature small plates, Palak Chaat which is a crispy spinach dish (amazing!); mango shrimp (delish!), and tawa baingan which was a tower of eggplant and spiced potato. For our main courses we had tandoori chicken (super yum and a bit spicy), lamb roganjosh which is lamb with caramelized onion, tomatoes. and garam masala all blended together (also super yum), and paneer pasanda which is cottage cheese in a sauce of saffron, cardamom, and cashew nuts. We also ordered jasmine rice and two types of herb and garlic naan. All of which was so good!!!!
What I didn't know before, that I get now is that Indian food is served in sauces or curries. And the naan is to die for. Rasika is only a few blocks from my office, so I think one day I'm going to have to go over for lunch and just get an order of the crispy spinach. It was amazing. Who ever thought to fry spinach and serve with yogurt and chutney is a genius!!
When you combine the drinks, cuisine, service, and price, I would definitely rate Rasika a 5 out of 5. There wasn't one thing I didn't like. Well, except that I had to share the crispy spinach with three other people!! :)
I told you I was getting back at it!!!
So I know Saturday night was Halloween. And you're supposed to get dressed up, go out and party your ass off, and get totally smashed. But 1) I'm really uncreative when it comes to costumes. Really I'm terrible with coming up with costume ideas. Last year I was the person who holds the Slow-Stop sign on a construction site, the year before that B&I went as pimps (purchased costumes), one year I wore a toga (so boring).
2) The past two years I've been sick on Halloween.
3) I really hate being hungover now that I'm an old lady.
So, Saturday night, when we received an invitation to go out to dinner with a business associated/client of B's, I jumped at the opportunity not to have to come up with a costume at the last minute. B's client also suggested a restaurant that we had never been to and a cuisine we've never had; Rasika, which serves Indian fusion. After reading some reviews of Rasika online, I was actually really excited to finally try Indian food.
When B told me that our reservation was at 5:15 PM, I didn't believe him. I've never heard of this restaurant before, how could it be that popular. because you know, I know everything! :) So immediately I got on OpenTable to investigate. Not only was Rasika totally booked Saturday, but it was the #2 booked spot for Foodies! Score!
We got the restaurant before the other couple, actually while the servers were still prepping for the evening, and ponied up to the bar for a drink. When I saw the multiple glasses of fresh herbs sitting on the bar and the concoctions of beverages brewing behind the bar, I knew we were in for a treat! We started up a conversation with the bartender, only to learn that all the drinks on the menu are his original creations and he regulatory changes and adds new drinks. Behind the bar he was making a mulled cider to be mixed with scotch and some kind of pumpkin beverage that he topped with whip cream that he then took a "blow torch" too. I wish I could remember the drink I had because it was delish! All I can remember was that it was made with Brazilian rum, fennel, and was topped with an apple slice.
I have a much better memory when it comes to the food though! The bartender had given us some suggestions and he definitely made me feel a bit more at ease about eating Indian food. I'm not a huge curry fan and I don't like spicy food, so I think that's why I never tried it before. I just hope my Rasika experience doesn't ruin me for other Indian food!
There were four of us for dinner, and we kind of decided to eat family style. We started with one of their signature small plates, Palak Chaat which is a crispy spinach dish (amazing!); mango shrimp (delish!), and tawa baingan which was a tower of eggplant and spiced potato. For our main courses we had tandoori chicken (super yum and a bit spicy), lamb roganjosh which is lamb with caramelized onion, tomatoes. and garam masala all blended together (also super yum), and paneer pasanda which is cottage cheese in a sauce of saffron, cardamom, and cashew nuts. We also ordered jasmine rice and two types of herb and garlic naan. All of which was so good!!!!
What I didn't know before, that I get now is that Indian food is served in sauces or curries. And the naan is to die for. Rasika is only a few blocks from my office, so I think one day I'm going to have to go over for lunch and just get an order of the crispy spinach. It was amazing. Who ever thought to fry spinach and serve with yogurt and chutney is a genius!!
When you combine the drinks, cuisine, service, and price, I would definitely rate Rasika a 5 out of 5. There wasn't one thing I didn't like. Well, except that I had to share the crispy spinach with three other people!! :)
Gettin' Back in the Saddle
Wow, has it really been since August since I last posted? And is it really November? Wow, again. Well, I know I've been totally and completely MIA for awhile now, but I really want to try this again. You know, get back into the swing of things, start anew, get back on the ol' saddle if you will.
So I guess I should start with the biggest news since last time and the biggest change. I changed jobs. Back in August, I received a phone call from a legal placement firm wanting to know if I'd be interested in interviewing with a law firm for an environmental regulatory specialist position. I was already considering looking for a new job, but this was the real push I needed to get serious. So I took the interview. One interview with the legal placement firm, led to one interview at the firm, to another phone interview with the firm, and a third interview at the firm. And wouldn't you know, almost a month and half after my first interview; they offered me the job.
My first day at my new job, with my new commute (I'm now working downtown), my new earrings (thanks mom and dad), and my new suit was Monday, October 19th. It's been great so far, although things have been a bit slow. But that's expected when you're the new person on the block. The best part of my new job (aside from an awesome raise) is that I'm not working downtown! I'm no longer a slave to my car or traffic! Although, I guess I'm not a slave to public transportation. But at least I get to spend the time reading on my Kindle and not fuming and swearing at bad drivers. I take the 7C bus to and from the Pentagon where I catch the metro. It's an easy commute and door-to-door only takes 45 minutes.
Oh, and for the sake of this blog, my workplace will only be referred to as The Firm. Seriously, I work with A TON of attorneys now, and I'm sure they all could find a way to sue my ass quicker than you can say sue, if I mentioned The Firm's name. So, we'll just leave it at that! :)
I do have to say, that I miss (most of) my old co-workers. Really, I do miss a majority of them. And I do miss the responsibility and flexibility that came along with traveling. But I definitely don't miss those early morning trips to the airport and having to say goodbye to B and Mabel. But I do have to say, I'm going to have to get used to going to the grocery store every week. Which I didn't have to do because B never cooked when I wasn't there. But I guess that's a small price to pay to spend more time with your family! :)
Well, so now you know the latest news. Other than a new change in venue for me, the last few months have consisted of a trip to Long Island for Kev&Suz's wedding, a trip to Florida with some friends, lots of college football including a trip to PSU, a sleepover weekend with the Sweigart clan, and lots of long work hours for B. Now that we covered that, it's back to business as usual for Blondie!! :)
So I guess I should start with the biggest news since last time and the biggest change. I changed jobs. Back in August, I received a phone call from a legal placement firm wanting to know if I'd be interested in interviewing with a law firm for an environmental regulatory specialist position. I was already considering looking for a new job, but this was the real push I needed to get serious. So I took the interview. One interview with the legal placement firm, led to one interview at the firm, to another phone interview with the firm, and a third interview at the firm. And wouldn't you know, almost a month and half after my first interview; they offered me the job.
My first day at my new job, with my new commute (I'm now working downtown), my new earrings (thanks mom and dad), and my new suit was Monday, October 19th. It's been great so far, although things have been a bit slow. But that's expected when you're the new person on the block. The best part of my new job (aside from an awesome raise) is that I'm not working downtown! I'm no longer a slave to my car or traffic! Although, I guess I'm not a slave to public transportation. But at least I get to spend the time reading on my Kindle and not fuming and swearing at bad drivers. I take the 7C bus to and from the Pentagon where I catch the metro. It's an easy commute and door-to-door only takes 45 minutes.
Oh, and for the sake of this blog, my workplace will only be referred to as The Firm. Seriously, I work with A TON of attorneys now, and I'm sure they all could find a way to sue my ass quicker than you can say sue, if I mentioned The Firm's name. So, we'll just leave it at that! :)
I do have to say, that I miss (most of) my old co-workers. Really, I do miss a majority of them. And I do miss the responsibility and flexibility that came along with traveling. But I definitely don't miss those early morning trips to the airport and having to say goodbye to B and Mabel. But I do have to say, I'm going to have to get used to going to the grocery store every week. Which I didn't have to do because B never cooked when I wasn't there. But I guess that's a small price to pay to spend more time with your family! :)
Well, so now you know the latest news. Other than a new change in venue for me, the last few months have consisted of a trip to Long Island for Kev&Suz's wedding, a trip to Florida with some friends, lots of college football including a trip to PSU, a sleepover weekend with the Sweigart clan, and lots of long work hours for B. Now that we covered that, it's back to business as usual for Blondie!! :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
New Favorite Salad
I'd like to say that I'm at my best Summer weight, since in Summer I tend to drop all the lb's I put on while hibernating during the Winter, but I guess my mouth and body didn't quite get the memo that it's still bathing suit season! So I'm trying to eat healthier and drop a few lb's before we head to Florida over Labor Day and once again have to get back into a bathing suit. In light of this healthy eating habit kick, I'm back to cooking again and taking my lunch to work instead of eating out and buying lunch everyday (also trying to save some $$$ while I'm at it).
One of my favorite cooking blogs, Smitten Kitchen, had this great recipe up the other day for an arugula, potato, and green bean salad. I originally thought it would be the perfect accompaniment to the buy-one-get-one-free London broil I picked up at Harris Teeter last week. When B&I go to the grocery store, we try to make a game out of seeing how much we can save. We go nuts every time at the check out when they tell we've saved 70 bucks!
Anyway, I used one of the London Broils to make steak and roasted tomato and onion sandwiches one night (btw, had a bit of a melt down when I realized I'd lost my recipe!) and gave Mabel the leftovers for the next few days, and still had the second one in the freezer. But I'm the worst with remembering to take things out of the freezer to let them thaw while I'm work. So the London Broil still remains in the freezer.
Instead, I took this recipe, altered it to fit what I had in my pantry and fridge and added grilled shrimp to make it a meal! It was delicious and B loved it!! Sorry I don't have any pics to show you. But check out the pics on Smitten Kitchen! Her photos are AMAZING!
Arugula, Potato and Green Bean Salad, with a Creamy Walnut Dressing
Adapted from Martha Stewart
1 ounce walnuts (about 1/3 cup)
1 1/2 pounds fingerling potatoes, cut crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick rounds6 ounces haricots, verts, or other green beans, trimmed and cut into 2-inch segments
2 tablespoons white wine or other mild vinegar
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon coarse salt
Freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons walnut oil
3 ounces baby arugula
Preheat oven to 375°. Place walnuts on a rimmed baking sheet and toast in oven until fragrant, about 8 minutes. Let cool slightly, then coarsely chop and set aside.
Bring a medium saucepan of water to a boil. Add potatoes, and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer potatoes to a colander to drain and cool. Set aside.
Prepare an ice-water bath; set aside. Return pan of water to a boil. Add green beans, and cook until tender and bright green, about 3 to 4 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to ice-water bath to stop the cooking. Drain.
Whisk together vinegar, yogurt, mustard and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a small bowl; season with pepper. Add oil in a slow, steady stream, whisking until emulsified. Set dressing aside.
Arrange arugula, potatoes, and green beans on a platter. Season with remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Drizzle with dressing and sprinkle with toasted walnuts; toss to coat.
My substitutes included using fresh baby greens instead of arugula, EVOO instead of walnut oil, white balsamic vinegar instead of white wine vinegar, and dutch potatoes instead of fingerling (they were buy one get one free!). And when the salad was all put together and tossed, I grilled the shrimp and put them on top of each of the plates.
It couldn't have turned out any better if I was Martha Stewart myself!! :) YEAH RIGHT!
One of my favorite cooking blogs, Smitten Kitchen, had this great recipe up the other day for an arugula, potato, and green bean salad. I originally thought it would be the perfect accompaniment to the buy-one-get-one-free London broil I picked up at Harris Teeter last week. When B&I go to the grocery store, we try to make a game out of seeing how much we can save. We go nuts every time at the check out when they tell we've saved 70 bucks!
Anyway, I used one of the London Broils to make steak and roasted tomato and onion sandwiches one night (btw, had a bit of a melt down when I realized I'd lost my recipe!) and gave Mabel the leftovers for the next few days, and still had the second one in the freezer. But I'm the worst with remembering to take things out of the freezer to let them thaw while I'm work. So the London Broil still remains in the freezer.
Instead, I took this recipe, altered it to fit what I had in my pantry and fridge and added grilled shrimp to make it a meal! It was delicious and B loved it!! Sorry I don't have any pics to show you. But check out the pics on Smitten Kitchen! Her photos are AMAZING!
Arugula, Potato and Green Bean Salad, with a Creamy Walnut Dressing
Adapted from Martha Stewart
1 ounce walnuts (about 1/3 cup)
1 1/2 pounds fingerling potatoes, cut crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick rounds6 ounces haricots, verts, or other green beans, trimmed and cut into 2-inch segments
2 tablespoons white wine or other mild vinegar
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon coarse salt
Freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons walnut oil
3 ounces baby arugula
Preheat oven to 375°. Place walnuts on a rimmed baking sheet and toast in oven until fragrant, about 8 minutes. Let cool slightly, then coarsely chop and set aside.
Bring a medium saucepan of water to a boil. Add potatoes, and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer potatoes to a colander to drain and cool. Set aside.
Prepare an ice-water bath; set aside. Return pan of water to a boil. Add green beans, and cook until tender and bright green, about 3 to 4 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to ice-water bath to stop the cooking. Drain.
Whisk together vinegar, yogurt, mustard and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a small bowl; season with pepper. Add oil in a slow, steady stream, whisking until emulsified. Set dressing aside.
Arrange arugula, potatoes, and green beans on a platter. Season with remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Drizzle with dressing and sprinkle with toasted walnuts; toss to coat.
My substitutes included using fresh baby greens instead of arugula, EVOO instead of walnut oil, white balsamic vinegar instead of white wine vinegar, and dutch potatoes instead of fingerling (they were buy one get one free!). And when the salad was all put together and tossed, I grilled the shrimp and put them on top of each of the plates.
It couldn't have turned out any better if I was Martha Stewart myself!! :) YEAH RIGHT!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Meaty Heaven
I know that sounds pretty gross, but on Saturday night we (as in B, Kev&Suz) were not only in meaty heaven, but more like a meat coma. Saturday night we all dined together at Fogo de Chao at the corner of Pennsylvania Ave. and 11th Street. I see the advertisements for Fogo De Chao every time I pick up US Airways magazine and have wanted to try it for a long time now, but always assumed that it was a gimmicky chain restaurant that couldn't possibly be that good and definitely not worth the money. But oh was I wrong!!!
First, the bartender kicked ass. He was really knowledgeable about the wines and cocktails and definitely made a mean dirty vodka martini. Plus he actually muddled the lime in K's drink; a sign of a good bartender. And second, the place was packed! We had an 8:30 reservation and the place was hopping with guests as well as tons of wait staff. I was really surprised to see it that busy. It's not a cheap dinner what-so-ever ($50 per person for dinner), so I figured it must be good, right?
Dinner started off with a little lesson on how everything works. You start off with the salad bar. And then when you're ready for meat, you flip your "coin" to green (go), and the Brazilian cowboys just start coming with one of 15 meats! The meats are all sizzling hot on skewers, and as they cut the meat off the skewer, you pick it up with your tongs. And you can request the doneness of your meat. I'm a medium-rare person, but others are more medium to medium-well.
We took our time finishing our cocktails and then headed to the salad bar. Now, I know what you're thinking. Salad bar? Really? No, this isn't a Harris Teeter salad bar, this is an amazing, knock your socks off, I can hit just this, kind of salad bar. I can't remember everything on it, but I'll tell you I made a bibb lettuce salad with sun-dried tomatoes, freshly grated Parmesan cheese, marinated olives, and buffalo mozzarella with olive oil and balsamic dressing and had some other kind of fresh cheese with prosciutto and salami. And a taste of chicken salad. It was delicious! I could have gone back 10 times! Oh, and let's not forget the warm cheese bread! HEAVEN!! I had them during the salad course, meat course, and for dessert! :)
Then once you begin the meat course, they bring out side dishes of friend polenta (yum), mashed potatoes (yum), and fried plantains (yum)!
But the meat could not be beat. We tried bottom sirloin, top sirloin, sausage, pork ribs, beef ribs, chicken, bacon wrapped filet, filet mignon, picanha (the house specialty), ribeye, and lamp chops to name a few. My favorites were the bottom sirloin (so juicy and flavorful), pork ribs (they had some kind of amazing dry rub), and the lamb chops. But everything was so tasty.
And to top of the evening, they bring around a cart full of exotic and some not-so-exotic after dinner drinks. And the man behind the cart knew anything and everything there was about each and every one of them. Trust me, we grilled him for a good 15 minutes!!
Not only were the drinks and food amazing, but the service was fantastic! As soon as we flipped our coins from red to green, multiple waiters were at our table offering up different cuts of meat. And they were constantly offering fresh, clean plates and clearing away unused dishes.
I would definitely give Fogo De Chao 5 stars!! If you don't want to take my word for it, just read the 99 reviews on Google resulting in a 4.5 star rating.
First, the bartender kicked ass. He was really knowledgeable about the wines and cocktails and definitely made a mean dirty vodka martini. Plus he actually muddled the lime in K's drink; a sign of a good bartender. And second, the place was packed! We had an 8:30 reservation and the place was hopping with guests as well as tons of wait staff. I was really surprised to see it that busy. It's not a cheap dinner what-so-ever ($50 per person for dinner), so I figured it must be good, right?
Dinner started off with a little lesson on how everything works. You start off with the salad bar. And then when you're ready for meat, you flip your "coin" to green (go), and the Brazilian cowboys just start coming with one of 15 meats! The meats are all sizzling hot on skewers, and as they cut the meat off the skewer, you pick it up with your tongs. And you can request the doneness of your meat. I'm a medium-rare person, but others are more medium to medium-well.
We took our time finishing our cocktails and then headed to the salad bar. Now, I know what you're thinking. Salad bar? Really? No, this isn't a Harris Teeter salad bar, this is an amazing, knock your socks off, I can hit just this, kind of salad bar. I can't remember everything on it, but I'll tell you I made a bibb lettuce salad with sun-dried tomatoes, freshly grated Parmesan cheese, marinated olives, and buffalo mozzarella with olive oil and balsamic dressing and had some other kind of fresh cheese with prosciutto and salami. And a taste of chicken salad. It was delicious! I could have gone back 10 times! Oh, and let's not forget the warm cheese bread! HEAVEN!! I had them during the salad course, meat course, and for dessert! :)
Then once you begin the meat course, they bring out side dishes of friend polenta (yum), mashed potatoes (yum), and fried plantains (yum)!
But the meat could not be beat. We tried bottom sirloin, top sirloin, sausage, pork ribs, beef ribs, chicken, bacon wrapped filet, filet mignon, picanha (the house specialty), ribeye, and lamp chops to name a few. My favorites were the bottom sirloin (so juicy and flavorful), pork ribs (they had some kind of amazing dry rub), and the lamb chops. But everything was so tasty.
And to top of the evening, they bring around a cart full of exotic and some not-so-exotic after dinner drinks. And the man behind the cart knew anything and everything there was about each and every one of them. Trust me, we grilled him for a good 15 minutes!!
Not only were the drinks and food amazing, but the service was fantastic! As soon as we flipped our coins from red to green, multiple waiters were at our table offering up different cuts of meat. And they were constantly offering fresh, clean plates and clearing away unused dishes.
I would definitely give Fogo De Chao 5 stars!! If you don't want to take my word for it, just read the 99 reviews on Google resulting in a 4.5 star rating.
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