I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time, but I guess was just too lazy to start one. And while I was working this past week, I finally decided I needed to bite the bullet and do this. I really love to share findings with friends and frankly anyone who will listen (now that I travel a lot by myself, I've become one of those people who will talk your ear off about shopping and random things if you let me). I definitely don't think I'm what you would call a smart person (I got good grades in school, but found it really difficult), but I will toot my horn in saying that I'm really observant, have a good memory, and really like current events (does celebrity and fashion news count as current events?). So I thought this would be a great outlet for me to share simple stories of my life, my travels, my little findings and advice, and just weird stuff (and bad luck stuff) that happens to me ALL THE TIME!
I would wager that no one but a few friends, co-workers, my Mom, and my mother-in-law will read this, but that's okay. I feel just a little bit cooler saying, "hey, check out my blog! You might laugh at what I have to say or maybe just at me!"
p.s. Oh and I can't forget that this whole blog thing came up while low-flow groundwater sampling in Tennessee with RNP. Thanks for pushing me to finally do it! :)
yay! ( :