Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday Funday

The weather on Sunday (Mother’s Day) turned out to be even better than Saturday. It was that perfect weather where you find yourself saying, “I wish it was like this everyday!” We spent the morning with B’s Mom and Dad at brunch for Mother’s Day. We took them to Chef Geoff’s Downtown at Pennsylvania and 13th. They put on a great brunch and the food was great. I don’t know how they did it, but my eggs (with spinach, mushrooms, and roasted tomatoes…sounds the pizza on Friday night, huh?) were so flavorful, they didn’t need salt or pepper. I’m cooking-challenged when it comes to eggs for some reason, but I love eggs, so I’m a huge fan of brunch. Oh and they also make a killer bloody marry if you’re a bloody marry fan!

After brunch we took Mabel down to the dog park on Shirlington with our neighbors K&S and their cute beagle-mix, Tori. Tori and Mabel have become thick as thieves the past couple of weeks! Mabel wines and wines when she hears Tori outside until we cave and let her out to play. These two could literally pounce and play with each other for hours (I know because yesterday they did!).

So we all headed down to the dog park and spent a good hour in the stream with the pups playing with sticks and watching them frolic in the water. After the dogs had their fun, us adults headed to Capital City Brewery (with dogs in tow) for some fun of our own. We had a couple of beers (B some white wine like the dork that he is) and some more food (a definite theme for our day) and generally just had a great time chatting and enjoying the sun. And I have to say, the pups did great. It took them a little bit to settle in under the table, and with a few pieces of soft pretzel and some licks of hummus and melted cheese, they did great!

After a few drinks in Shirlington, we decided to move “the party” back to the lawn between our condos. There we continued to soak up the sun, chatting, and having another beer (or two) while the pups ran and chased each other all over the place. It was while we were sitting outside here that we decided, let’s have Mexican and margaritas for dinner! So around 7PM we headed back down to Shirlington (sans Mabel and Tori).

As we were walking back down to Shirlington we noticed some police activity in the dog park. And part of the dog park where there’s access down into the stream was all cordoned off with yellow police tape. Plus we counted four (or five...I can’t remember) cops in the park, one with a camera, and a black case which looked like some kind of crime scene investigation “pack.” And one guy was down at the water, without any shoes on and no dog, talking to one of the cops. It was so bizarre! What the heck could have happened that would have prompted all that police activity?

Immediately we thought that maybe someone’s dog was killed by another dog. Or maybe there was a fight between two dog owners. Or maybe someone fell or was pushed down the rocks towards the water and either died or was really hurt. Who knew?!

So K called the non-emergency police number to see if we could get any additional information. He used the disguise that we had taken our dogs to the park earlier in the day and they were in the water, and we were concerned that maybe whatever happened (in the water) could affect our dogs. All K got from the police department was that the police were called to assist the fire department and that she didn’t have any other information. More like she couldn’t share the information with us “concerned citizens.”

So at this moment I have no idea what happened yesterday at the Shirlington dog park. But let me tell you, it didn’t look good. K’s on the trail to track down the info., so when I know more, I’ll definitely let you know!

Oh and in case you’re wondering, the Mexican was awesome. As it is every time we eat at Guapo’s. The best Mexican restaurant this side of Mexico! Hhhmmmm….tacos el paso, margaritas, chips and salsa, tacos al carbon, margaritas, more chips and salsa (just had to wipe drool off my key board). I heart you Guapo’s!

All in all we had a fantastic weekend filled with good food (and lots of it), good friends, good drinks, family, and adorable pups!

p.s. If you're interested in learning more about Shirlington, check out the Village's website at or the blog at

1 comment:

  1. ahhh--so scary about the dog park! you'll have to keep me updated, we went there too!
